Africa Twin: a history of competition

Frenchman Cyril Neveu officially conquered the toughest and most famous rally ever, winning the 1982 Paris Dakar aboard Honda’s XR 550. Furthermore, the Paris-Dakar, at the height of this tough test that started in the French capital and ended in Dakar, on the beaches of Senegal, along almost 15,000 km. (Africa Twin: a history of the competition) 

Africa Twin: a history of competition

The NXR750 featured a 45-degree V-twin engine with pedal start, delivering 75 hp, ideal for speed and maneuverability in deserts. It dominated, with Cyril Neveu, Edi Orioli, and Gilles Lalay securing victories for four consecutive years. Moreover, after this fourth consecutive triumph, Honda officially withdrew from the African event.  

The Japanese brand, capitalizing on the NXR750’s success, mass-produced the Africa Twin 650 (XRV650) in 1988.

The name

 A little more than a year later the XRV 650 (official acronym of Africa) was transformed into 750, growing in displacement and overall size, gaining torque and power (60 hp), strengthening and sophisticating several elements of the cycle part, being this model tremendously popular and all in sales success, since being a motorcycle that allowed all types of driving was used both for long trips and for excursions on trails. The 750 was produced from 1986 to 2003, with a restyling that added a small onboard computer.

It wasn’t until 2015, twelve years later, that the Africa Twin was reborn, changing its engine up to 1000cc. In 2018, after 30 years since its appearance, the legendary motorbike for its off-road capability continues to surprise with its latest model called Adventure Sports, a better-equipped version of the conventional dual-purpose, which will surely continue to add years of success, within its history.  

Africa Twin facts and figures

 With a massive 24-liter fuel tank, it offers unparalleled freedom, letting you journey up to 500 kilometers worry-free. Considering its frequent use in inhospitable environments, it stands as an ideal choice. It is one of the most reliable roadrunners in existence. In addition, a stroll through online second-hand markets confirms its enduring popularity and high demand. It is not difficult to find on-the-road models from the 90s and even the late 80s in perfect condition.  

Africa Twin: a history of competition

Additionally, the 2015 CRF1000L was groundbreaking, being the first in its size to feature an automatic sequential shift system. So, in its African rendezvous, the Africa Twin Morocco Epic Tour held its second edition from May 11 to 19, 2018. Exclusive trip for mythical trail owners: 300 km/day through Morocco’s breathtaking landscapes. Credits:

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