Quick tips to plan a successful motorcycle trip

We’ve all heard the words: ‘having no plan, is the best plan’… Well, to some extent, the feeling of freedom of this eternal phrase might appeal to many. But then, as you step out the door, you have no decided destination, nor a defined route, or a time frame. Yes, of course, you have unlimited resources at your disposal. You have no timeframe to adhere to, and you have been accustomed to a frugal lifestyle for the last couple of years. If this is your case, then read no further. But if not, I would like to point out a few key aspects for a successful, stress-free motorcycle ride, considering just a couple of planning basics. So here are some quick tips to plan a successful motorcycle trip:


Plan a successful motorcycle trip

One of the best quick tip to plan a successful motorcycle trip, must be the route. This can be divided into various factors to consider, like territory, weather, emergency response and riding seasons. Some of the most beautiful landscapes are hidden with only backroad access to them. Third-order roads can seriously reduce your daily riding length. They’re so worth it when you consider the things you’ll be able to see that not many outsiders can. That being said, it’s a common mistake. Especially in the Andes, to think that you should be able to cover just a couple of hundred kilometers before sunset. The rugged terrain and unpredictable conditions often make travel times longer than anticipated.

Specialized blogs like https://www.pikipikioverland.com/ are open with vast information about the route you are planning to ride along with tips. You can find about what motorcycle worked out the best, type of tires, fuel stop agenda, etc. If you wish to cover lots of kilometers quickly, Ecuador’s Panamerican highway is ideal. It takes you from North to South in a relatively short timeframe.

The roads to West and East are always in mint condition as one of the main country incomes is tourism, hence the paramount of road maintenance. Needless to say that some phone GPS apps are the perfect company especially in remote places where no roaming is accessible nor mobile data. So make sure that you have downloaded the maps needed for your next leg for this offline helpers whilst you have good WiFi connectivity. In short, plan ahead.


Another factor to consider that is countries like Ecuador for instance, do not have a fixed season a year. Therefore, make sure you do the respective analysis before purchasing your flight ticket. Ecuador is a great place to ride as you have all three worlds (Amazonas, Pacific Coast, and the Andes) reachable in a small time frame. But by being on the Equator, its sudden changes in weather can happen at any time of the day. These are not drastic changes but is not strange to find yourself riding in light rain and then in a beautiful sunny clear sky just around the corner.

Plan a successful motorcycle trip

Being in a different country intel different environment and supply chain. IIf you have decided to spend up to a month on the road, then you can minimize the considerations.However, if the plan is to go away for a very long time, proper research is needed. This research should focus on supplies for both you and your motorcycle. Sometimes, what we consider cheap universal spares are not as common globally. These items, which can be fitted in a scooter or a war tank, may not be readily available everywhere. In such situations, you find yourself needing to adapt in the best-case scenario. Worse, you may have to import that spare and spend days or weeks waiting for it.


Yes, in summary: money. Your lifestyle dictates a lot your adventure standard as well. Are you planning for cheap hotels along the way, is it ok with you to ride long hours. Park your motorcycle and make up your sleeping tent having no roof but clear skies filled with stars? Planning your budget will give you a better insight into the adventure quality you are about to have. If the idea is to simply ride without the need of work to fill up your pockets again, make sure to plan ahead financially. Ensure that the money you leave with will be enough to cover a possible contingency on the way. This foresight can prevent unexpected financial stress during your journey.

Food is also a matter of importance. On short rides, I encourage you to try the local cuisine. On a motorcycle road trip, you have the obvious advantage of being able to pull over to the side of the road to try new flavors. In crowded cities, it’s also easy to find a parking spot. You might discover the restaurant you’ve read so much about. Then again, don’t risk your stomach health as this is one of the things that can make your ride very uncomfortable. We design our tours to ensure food stops offer authentic local flavors without risking your health. Are you riding by yourself? if not, is it one motorcycle or more? Consider splitting some expenses to prolong your joy.

Motorcycle and accessories.

A great truth is that the perfect motorcycle for your adventure is the one you have already. I rode once from Ecuador to Ushuaia in my Ducati Diavel as this was what I had then and I wasn’t planning to sell it to find “the ideal bike”. If you don’t have one yet, then you have the chance to rent different models for the time you need to test it. You can ride around the terrain you think you’ll be riding the most to see if it’s your fit. This will also save you the whole waiting time and paperwork to send your motorcycle from one point to another and to bring it back.

Plan a successful motorcycle trip

Is not the same feeling to ride a small engine bike on the dirt than a big adventure model like the Honda Africa Twin. Other mid-size models could be a great option like the hard to kill Suzuki DR 650, or Kawasaki KLR 650. Maybe for you being on asphalt is your thing and might find a 300cc engine way too short. Hence the importance to give it a fair chance to find that combination of your riding likes with the bike for the job.

Time frame. 

Something to consider while plan a successful motorcycle trip that is definitely important is time frame. This basic number combines all other aspects. Self-questions to be made like: is my riding schedule doable? Can I cope with X amount of motorcycle hours a day, and for how many days in a row? Do I have the budget to cover my expenses with an extra in my pocket in case of emergency? How much time I have to solve the issue? am I planning to reach my final goal in one single go or do I have my legs well planned?.

Ecuador Motorcycle Routes

If the case is that you are just starting with this passionate way of travel, the best way to go is to take it easy. This quick tips to plan a successful motorcycle trip are just the beginning of the journey. Find yourself a country that calls your attention. Gain some experience in a place away from home under the logistics of responsible motorcycle tour planners. Learn from observing their gear and leg lengths. Also, take advantage of trying different motorcycle models to find your best fit.

In Ecuador Bike Rental we offer you the self-guided option based on a pre-programmed GPS that will allow to play a little bit with your day by day. You should know for sure that your accommodation at the end of the day is fixed and that they’ll be waiting for you. As mentioned before, select your time frame, choose your motorcycle and ride along with your trip planned ahead. One thing is for sure, don’t miss out to lose your best years for riding and that time has arrived.

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